I am so delighted to share some unusual book news! Scottish by Inclination was published by Luath Press in June 2021 which will marked the 5-year-anniversary of *that* referendum. It’s a celebration of European immigration in Scotland, and tells my own story as well as the stories of 30 others who came from Europe and made their home here.
30 episodic chapters, echoing my own 30 years in Scotland, interspersed with 30 profiles of other EU immigrants who, like me, have chosen to be Scottish by inclination. It feels to me like an important book – wherever you stood on the Brexit debate. I love that it amplifies voices which are not often heard.

I gratefully acknowledge support from the National Lottery through Creative Scotland towards the writing of this title. In the grim days of lockdown, their financial support was invaluable. Many thanks also to XpoNorth – their Tweet Pitch platform gave a simple idea wings.